Contact Us

We’ve helped 450+ companies find the right importers, agents, and distributors in Japan using our decades of experience… deep network of contacts… and unique 3-step FAST Formula™.

✅ Companies selling everything from specialized B2B, medical, industrial, technical, and scientific products… to all types of consumer goods

✅ Companies new to Japan and many others already in the Japanese market but seeking better sales results

✅ Companies of all sizes… from all over the world

Pop your website or a brief description of your products into the form below.

We’ll take a close look at your products and let you know if we can help.

No charge, no obligation… and we’ll tell you right away if we’re not the right fit for your needs.

Everything you share with us will be kept completely confidential and we’re always happy to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) covering all information you provide us.

Click here to request a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)